Dear snow…

First of all, I have to admit I yelled at you, I’ve been angry as hell, cursing and swearing… But understand that you can cause some serious problems and fear. I don’t like falling, but you could have made me do so. That’s why I walk sometimes when you appear. Forgive me for watching you with my most deadly eyes. Because you just made my holiday.

Let me explain. Though you’ve haunted us for two days, you were there, and that quite saved our holiday. University only gives us pathetic beggars seven days to recover from the exhausting hell we’ve been in. Seven days for us hungry dogs to wipe away the memories of stress, frustration, boredom. What’s better to forget everything than running away from everything you know? Leaving it behind for a week. Just to forget and let go and to breathe the freshest air in months.

We ran to the hills. And there were you, extremely white and present (you haven’t left us a single day – only for a few hours). And o dear lord, that feeling, after four long years, of standing on top of a mountain, ready to set off, into the deep. You lay white and lazy in front of us. Dear, dear snow, how on earth could I ever dislike the feeling of speeding down, avoiding piles of snow, avoiding other people, staying upright? After all those years I still don’t know why I like this so much. I tried to figure it out, but you can’t while going down a ski slope. You can’t think of anything. It’s just snow and air and a lift every now and then. Exactly what I needed.

Ahhh, I feel like I haven’t been a part of the ‘real’ world during this week. No internet, no friends, no school. My mind is like a freshly prepared ski slope. In my head I’m still speeding down, I’m still in our cute hotel enjoying great food, I’m still in the ski bus, watching the people I get attached to though I haven’t spoken a single word with them.

Dearest snow, you were great. Now please leave Belgium again – it’s time for some bike riding once more and I still fear falling…