What’s Olympic gold when you’ve got an award?

Well hello there! Here I am again, with slightly bronzed legs and quite a bronzed head after a rather amusing holiday. Add Madrid to your list of Places To Go Before I Die, I would say. Thank you all for the kind comments on my previous post by the way! You make my days.

Now, let’s get to the point. I suck at awards. That’s it. I’ve got nominated several times (of which many times by Lisa, who just nominates everyone who’s interested), but especially by three people: mgert123, Miss Audrey, and danbalva. They gave me the Tell Me ABout Yourself Award and the Sunshine Award. Thank you, kind people. Now I should tell you seven random things about myself.

Actually, that makes me smile a bit. Except my name, address and face, there’s barely anything you don’t know about me. My obsessions with dance, clothes and writing are rather obvious, I believe. My eternal urge for friends and endless love for you all is well-known. You could almost imagine my whole life by reading this blog, don’t you?

And yet, here: seven random things.

1. Since I got a diary when I was 8, I haven’t stopped writing about my life. I can’t stop it. I need it, and even if I don’t need it, I just want it. It’s a habit. Somehow.

2. I’ve got a hard time understanding people sometimes. I’m not the best at hearing what people say. Sometimes that causes awkward situations. Yeah.

3. Two years ago, I discovered a small talent for the high jump. You know, I never knew which leg was my best leg, until I decided to try the other leg. I almost broke the school record.

4. There are at least five things of which I was convinced I would never do them, but which I have done anyway.

5. Sometimes, I prefer reading a book over a magazine in public. It looks slightly more intellectual… And yes, I’m the one who says you shouldn’t care about the things people say about you…

6. I start to be more and more afraid. Normally, I’m not scared of heights, but three days ago, when our airplane took off, I suddenly got the feeling it was so damn fragile… The first time I took an airplane, two of my classmates tried to scare me, that’s why I wasn’t scared at all. Yep, that’s how it works with me! The harder you try to scare me, the more comfortable I will feel.


Well, that was easier than I had thought. Now I should nominate seven other bloggers. I’ve got a little bunch of dear followers (you know who you are) who have been nominated by me before. This time though, I want to nominate blogs I’ve recently ‘found’. That will make it slightly more interesting for all you, otherwise you already know all of the nominees.

 Alice down the hole

Alice writes interesting posts on fashion and dance and style and this kind of things. A nice read.


She takes amazingly beautiful pictures!


Always pretty, always friendly, always kick-ass. We’ve got quite a lot in common, of which I’m actually proud :). Her wardrobe is on my list of Things To Steal Before I Die.

400 days til 40

The best quest to figure out life by 40 I’ve ever seen!

All the little bones

A nice and interesting blog on dance, ballet especially. (I still hope she’ll do the Bayadere post soon:) )

Summer Solstice Girl

She’s funny and nice and interesting and- oh well, check it out yourself perhaps…

El Guapo

Need I say more? Perhaps he has already been nominated like a thousand times… But that’s because he’s so incredibly funny, friendly, with an endless source of inspiration for various posts and polls…

Thanks everyone for being interested in me and my blog, for nominating me, for commenting and liking and so on! Don’t forget to check out all these blogs here, and have a nice Sunday!

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  1. A gripping life

     /  August 12, 2012

    I love your list of 7 random things. I would imagine that you’re great at the high jump. Congratulations on being nominated! You have a great blog, keep writing! ( I already know you will)

    • Nothing in the world will stop me from writing :). (Maybe if I lose both my hands or something) (Or my brains) (Otherwise I won’t stop!)
      I’ not nearly as good as the people at the Games, but maybe if I’d practise for it, I could get over more than I did at school! I like to think that I would be great at it if I practised :).

  2. Writing Jobs

     /  August 12, 2012

    Nice piece of writing today. Thanks for sharing.

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    Writing Jobs – Writers Wanted

  3. Great post! And, seven really lovely things to know about you! Glad you had a rockin’ holiday and glad to have you back.

  4. First of all – you deserve all of the awards just because you are awesome, your writing style is awesome and this blog is awesome. Ok, there is a lot of awesome right there.

    Secondly – I get you – I start being scared of things that I was never afraid of. Even at the amusement park. Before, the more extreme the rides were, the better. Now, the kiddy rides are good enough for me. Lame.

    Thirdly – this is going to sound very pitiful but here I go. I love that I have an exclamation mark next to my name, no one else does, and it makes me feel special. There, I said it.

    • That exclamation mark… I did it because you deserve an exclamation mark. Afterwards I thought I should have put your blog name there because it’s a great blog name. But now I’m glad I put that exclamation thing there :).

      You’re at least as awesome as you say I am! It’s awfully corny, but I’m so glad I know you and your blog and I’m so happy to see your comments every time. You’re one of those people I would love to know in reality. Keep rocking, Edita, and sorry for the ‘corniness’ of my comment ;).

  5. A great acceptance of a well deserved award!
    Nothing wrong with being afraid of stuff, as long as it doesn’t stop you.

    Thanks so much for the nod, and now off to check out all the nominees I don’t know…

    • I would hate it if this kind of fear stops me! Of course, any airplane can crash, but I can as well have an accident with my bike. I’ve always been the girl who isn’t scared of spiders and stuff, so I’ll just try to continue to be that girl ;).
      Enjoy your award!

  6. Ha I was actually going to make a blog post mention about how I owe people awards and such. It’s nice, but it does get tiresome.

    Have you really continually written about your life since you were 8? I have a pretty good memory so I can remember older things well. Not nearly as well as if I wrote it all down. Hey, you could be the next Anne Frank someday. Hopefully a better ending.

    • Haha, I may hope so indeed! Yes, and the longest period of not writing was on the Italy trip earlier this year, for about ten days. It’s weird how much you forget sometimes. I mean, I have quite a good memory, but some things in my life had just completely gone, until I read about them again. And it’s funny to see how you don’t change that much.
      But sometimes, it’s just scary.

  1. Friday Foolishness – Breaking News Edition | Guapola
  2. 19 Days ’til 40: Blog Award Thank-Yous « 400 Days 'til 40

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